Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving Special Supreme

It’s Thanksgiving and some people I know are doing that “What I’m thankful for” thing every day or every week of the month. I’ve been tempted to do that, but I’ve never done so because I always forget to the first few days and then when I notice the posts, I don’t want to feel like a copycat. So I thought I’d post something on Thanksgiving. The top twenty five things I’m thankful for. There might be an order to it. At the time of initial writing, there isn’t, but we’ll see what the magic of editing can do.

I am thankful for…

#25 - Fritos. They’re delicious.

#24 – Pie. Also delicious

#23 - Socks. They keep my feet warm… usually.

#22 - Orange Crush. Now I have a new soda I enjoy drinking other than cola. Unfortunately, even fewer places serve Orange Crush than they do Pepsi. This is actually rather depressing.

#21 - Burritos. One of the greatest foods on the planet. Why can’t we eat these for Thanksgiving instead of turkey? We could even have turkey burritos. That would actually be pretty delicious. Anyone want to try that with me just for fun?

#20 - USB slots and cables. They make so many things that normally aren’t possible, possible.

#19 - For the air I breathe. Without it, I would die. And that would not be good. And since it’s actually the trees that purify the air to make it possible to breathe, I should be thanking them instead. Which means I guess turns this into something of an ecological message. Remember, the Lorax says, “Don’t cut down the trees, bitch.”

#18 - For the water I drink. Without it, I would die. And that would not be good. Though I’m not necessarily sure where water actually comes from since it’s all cyclical. You know, evaporation, condensation, precipitation, etc. So I’ll thank the Water Company for at least keeping the water clean enough to drink.

#17 - The settlers to America from the 1800’s. Without them this holiday wouldn’t even exist and then I wouldn’t have an excuse to make a list of things I’m thankful for… then again, you guys also stole land from Native Americans. You also killed off potentially millions of them to take more and keep what you had, though none of it really belonged to you. You uprooted lives and forced them to live in deserted lands. And to this day they still have not been compensated for all the pain, genocide, lies, and hate they’ve been forced to endure for generations… But, hey, thanks for this really pointless holiday.

#16 - Console Wars. They make gaming conversations interesting on one level, and pointless on another level when you realize that they’re all still vastly outclassed by the PC in terms of hardware and what all the devices can actually do. But, I got a WiiU, which must be the best one since no body is even comparing PS4 or the Xbone to it. I guess that means I win.

#15 - The University of Iowa finally letting me graduate this year. A year ago you said it was possible, and then you decided that you’d make me wait another semester. Was not too happy about that. But it happened and now I’m finally done with college. Thanks for finally not pulling a fast one on me… assholes.

#14 - Guillermo del Toro and Neil Blomkamp. You guys made two of the most fun and unique movies of this year. Giant mechs fighting monsters and guys with power armor attack Earth-orbiting high society. Sure, there might be some clichés borrowed from the genre they work in, but they’re fun, entertaining, and worth the money. (And thanks to everyone who worked on the films, but that’s too many names to list, so just insert credits here)

#13 - Independent game developers. Rather than thank a big company or large dev team or even a popular franchise for being so great, I want to thank the Indies out there for making some fantastic work with the small budgets and resources they get. You guys are talented and amazing. Looking forward to seeing what you guys will go on to become.

#12 - Legend of Korra. You had a really rocky first season, but you made a spectacular second season with a lot to offer. Can’t wait to see where it goes from there with Book 3: Change.

#11 - Vince Gillian. You made Breaking Bad and ended it so perfectly. That is all.

#10 - RoosterTeeth. You guys haven’t hired me yet and I’m still very bitter about that. But you provide many hours of entertainment on a weekly basis. So, if anything, that’s nice compensation… would still like to work there though.

#09 - My ex-girlfriends and potential ex-girlfriends from earlier this year. Surprising, I know, but I’m thankful for them because we did have SOME good times, but in each of those failures, I learned something about myself and about them. And through those failures, I’d like to think I improved myself in some way which brings me to where I am now. It sucked, but thanks for that.

#08 - Firefighters for being heroes in a world that has so few. Seriously, wish you guys could fly and shoot laser beams. Someone should and, if not me, I’d be glad if it was you guys.

#07 - Super Mario Bros. I’m not necessarily a fan of the series, but this year I had some more unexpectedly good times with Mario than I would have ever thought possible. So hats off to you, big guy. After 30 years you can still surprise me. Somehow.

#06 - Some of my co-workers. The ones of you I talk to because I want to, not because I have to. You guys know who you are and you’re the ones that make working there tolerable. I still want to leave that hellhole, but at least you guys make the times I have to be there fun enough to deal with it.

#05 - Great friends both near and far. Though we’re all living our own lives and usually too busy to see each other more often, there are some of you who have been there for me for years and I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done.

#04 - My amazing girlfriend, Erin, who tries to do so much at once that I’m surprised her head hasn’t exploded from stress. But despite all she has to do, she still finds time to be with me and put up with my shenanigans. She’s great and I love her for all that and more. 

#03 - Lucie. She’s the greatest dog in the whole world, even if she does get mouthy when we try  to take her for a walk. Hope when I get a dog it will be at least half as amazing as she is.

#02 - A loving family that is always there to support me, even through the best and worst bullshit. This wasn’t the greatest year in some ways, but you guys being there always kept me optimistic and moving forward. And, getting to the close of this year, things are actually looking great and I don’t know if things would have turned out this way had it not been for you guys.

#01 - Having a sense of humor. Makes getting through some days actually possible whereas other days, it’s not even remotely possible.

And that's my top 25 list for things I'm Thankful for in the year of 2013. Hope you enjoyed. I'm taking a break from posting til sometime next week because holidays. So enjoy your holiday. And if you don't celebrate Thanksgiving for some reason, then just have a good weekend. See ya next time.

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