Sunday, November 24, 2013

I want YOU... to help me out!

To make up for the lack of posts, we’re doing a double post day. But this time, I actually have a reason for this.

So I want to start making improvements to hopefully have this blog/journal/whatever reach more audiences. Larger audience means I might actually get someone to notice my writing and they might take me on for a job somewhere. That’s the hope anyway. So I’m going to reformat how this blog works over the course of the next week (holidays give me a little more free time to work with). And I need some opinions on how to make this better.

First, what do you guys want to see in the posts? I do personal stuff, commentaries, reviews, jokey fun stuff, and a few other gimmicks too. Is there anything you want more or less of? And of what I’ve listed, what could be done to improve the posts more and maybe interest more readers?

Second, I’m thinking of adding a website component to help organize the blog as well as leave room for additional content I can add later on. When I get a chance to get back into videos, then I can have a page for videos. Separate the personal posts from the commentaries and reviews so you can find what you want to see more of instead of having to look through EVERYTHING. In short, I want to streamline this process so YOU can find what you want to read/watch and enjoy it with greater ease. If you have suggestions on what you want done or know of ways I could improve I may not have thought of, I’d love to hear it.

Lastly, I’m wanting to dress up this page, a potential youtube page, and maybe some other bits with graphics. Especially designing a logo to help have some kind of signifier of who I am and what this is all about. That said, you all know by now I’m a terrible artist. I can draw stick figures and dicks and that’s about all I’m good for. So if anyone has some kind of art-talent and wants to lend a hand, that’d be great. I can’t offer money at the moment, but you will be credited on every page your work is featured and I’ll recommend you to others looking for artists should I be asked as well. It’s not much, but I’m asking for simple designs and ideas to start with, so I’m hoping it’s a fair offer.

This is a short post because it’s mostly housekeeping. I’m hoping to hear back from some of you one this. Again, any help you can offer (even just suggestions for content) would be great for future posts and updates. See ya later!

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