Thursday, January 2, 2014

Looking Forward: Games of 2014

2014 is here and it’s time to reveal my top ten games I’m most excited for in 2014. There are plenty of games I wanted to make the list like Persona 5, Shovel Knight, and even Elder Scrolls Online but while all those are indeed interesting and have my attention, the top five here are games that I’m MOST anticipating to play (barring the announcement of a new StarFox of F-Zero).

#10 – Professor Layton Vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
 - This was the year I finally got into Phoenix Wright and I really enjoyed the experience, despite the frustration because of great music, fun characters, and a unique concept you likely won’t see anywhere else, especially in the west. So to combine it with another popular franchise that has a SIMILAR idea behind it has my attention. I’m not interested in Professor Layton, but this might be the game to change that and I welcome the idea.
#09 - Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Warriors (unfinished title)
 - First off, damn you Nintendo for releasing information a game for 2014 after I had already set up this list and was ready to call it a day. And fuck you for not only doing that, but for making it another Zelda game and one that actually has my attention. In the past year or so, I've gotten into action-games. I'd argue Bayonetta was my first big jump into the genre and I liked it for the over-the-top stylized action, even if the story was bizarre as fuck. The next one I got into I really liked was Killer Is Dead which was surprisingly fun for just having a beautiful combat system that flowed like stool down a colon affected with the strongest laxatives and it looked beautiful in every frame to boot. And now ZELDA of all fucking things is getting in on this action. I'm not a Zelda fan but this looks fun. See, Nintendo. If you make fun games, I will get excited and want to play them. If you make the same Zelda or same Mario, I won't give a fuck. That's why THIS is getting on my list, but not Mario Kart 8 because fuck that game. 

#08 – The Evil Within
 - Horror games and I have an unusual relationship. I buy them. I attempt to play them. And I generally don’t finish because I’m tired of needing to clean my pants or because I get bored. That said, Evil Within looks to be of the former category and trailers for it thus far look impressive. It’s rare to see a triple-A horror game get released and it’s even weird to see it backed by Bethesda of all people. But I embrace companies that step out of the comfort zone and do something different and I’m certain this will be a worthwhile attempt on their part.

#07 – Super Smash Bros 4
 - Labeled as SSB4 because it’s getting a WiiU and 3DS release (for some reason) and I’m just condensing them into a single entry as SSB4 for simplicity’s sake. What do you really want me to say about it? It’s another fighting game in a series I enjoy that has had ups and downs. It’s released a fair bit of info so far, but while some of it interests me, some of it leaves me questioning the logic behind it and some leaves me somewhat disappointed that it won’t be the Smash Bros. I personally wanted it to be. But such a game would require more time, effort, and insanity to try and pull off. Plus lots of contract with companies that likely wouldn’t allow their property to be used in the game.

#06 – Thief
 - Thief is getting a reboot and there are many many many fans who think this will be a disaster without any real evidence to support this. I don’t get why. It’s a stealth game in a steampunk setting that involves murder, some magic, and stealing shit. It might not be the same Thief you grew up with, but it looks fine to me thus far and I’m looking forward to seeing what it’ll turn out like. At this point, I’m getting a distinct Dishonored vibe and I fucking loved Dishonored enough to give it a special mention in my games of 2013 for being my 2012 game of 2013. People have argued that just because a game is like another game doesn’t mean it’s going to be good. In fact, it means it might actually be worse or even utter shit. To them I say, look at the Batman Arkham games. They were pretty much Assassin’s Creed with a Batman coat of paint and look how great the two good ones turned out. This would be hire on the list if the competition weren’t so stiff for the top five, but I’m hoping for Thief’s reboot to be worthwhile as it looks.

#05 – Shadows of the Eternals
 - The “sequel” to the much acclaimed and much loved Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem has been in the works for a while now (so to speak). Greenlight. Kick Starter. Rumors of stealing money and embezzlement from other projects like Too Human and that shit X-Men game released a few years back. Now we have a cinematic trailer and a tentative release window for late in 2014. I’m going to be skeptical as dicks about this releasing until I see a gameplay trailer. But if it will exist, I’m excited to explore more of that dark and rich universe that was hinted at in the instant GameCube classic that was Eternal Darkness.

#4 – Transistor
 - Everyone here might remember my fondness for Bastion, a game made by Super Giant Games, a small indie team that made the glorious Bastion. Bastion was a game that needed no sequel or follow up and contained a rich story, beautiful visuals, and an interesting amount of lore that anymore would be nice but not necessarily needed or guaranteed to be good. Super Giant Games realized this and said that rather than do a sequel, our next game will be something else entirely. Enhancing the art style, music, and narration, we’re getting Transistor. A game about a vocalist who lost her voice and uses a magic talking sword to fight waves of dudes in a mixture of action and turn-based strategy tactics to figure out what’s happening and presumably save the world. There is nothing about this game I can say looks bad yet and I’m excited to play it.

#3 – X (Monolith Soft’s yet to be titled game for the WiiU)
- The title says it all. We’ve seen two trailers so far and we still don’t really know what this game will entirely encompass. From the looks of it, it’s an open world JRPG in which you pilot mechs that can become vehicles. You also fight monsters that are as big and strong as dinosaurs. The visuals look nice and the setting looks like a mix of Final Fantasy and Monster Hunter. Overall, color me excited because it looks like the most unique and exciting game to come out for next year and it’s on the WiiU. Now if only Nintendo would give us a bloody title so I can start telling people what it is without having to attach a massive disclaimed to it.

#2 – Bayonetta 2
 - 2013’s action game of the year (for me anyway) was Killer is Dead. A highly stylized visual adventure in which you play part-time assassin, full-time playboy, Mondo. The game was kookie and weird in terms of the plot and the structure of the ending. But none of that took away from what I felt to be some of the best action-game controls I’ve ever played. Very smooth and fluid and great. And it looks like we’re getting to see Bayonetta return to the stage with her own sexy action game, Bayonetta 2. The gameplay looks similar to the first game. The story hasn’t been explained and by the end of the game, it probably won’t. The visuals look busy but impressive and colorful. In short, it’s everything I ask for in a game and that’s why I’m excited to see where it goes. Besides, what could be better than a game where a woman strips off all her clothes to murder waves of enemies with her hair? Not much, I assure you. But there is one title, above all others, I am most excited for… and it’s…

#1 – TellTale’s Walking Dead Season Two
 - Were you expecting Titanfall? Destiny? Well fuck those games. Titanfall is an EA game that is only multiplayer, which means I either won’t get around to it anytime soon or I won’t bother at all. The main reason is the only console I can buy it on is the PC because I won’t bother with an Xbone. And that means I have to deal with EA’s Origin… and fuck that. As for Destiny, I know virtually nothing about Destiny and I have no loyalty to Bungie in the slightest since I didn’t care for their Halo games.
 - Besides, Walking Dead continues the story I was heavily invested in by letting me play as the character I cared about most in almost any video game ever. Clementine. After leaving her on her own (for reasons beyond our control) she now has to fend for herself. But things won’t be as easy as it was with Lee. Lee could physically deal with problems and accept the responsibilities of an adult. Clementine is still a kid. And I’m looking forward to the challenge TellTale has given themselves by putting us in the role of Clementine. If this game is good, it’s a contender for GOTY 2014. We got our first taste of this title in December.

Before I leave, honorable mentions should go out to the following games I want to see but weren’t interesting enough to make my top ten. Anything not mentioned here you can assume I don’t give a shit about or haven’t heard enough about to care. Shoutouts to: South Park: The Stick of Truth, Elder Scrolls Online, Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze, Daylight, Shovel Knight, Persona 5, TellTale’s Wolf Among Us, Bravely Default, Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z, and TellTale’s Game of Thrones. That’s all for this today. Happy New Years and see you next time. 

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