Journal of Clarity – 040 – May 27, 2013
So no one called me out yesterday on the religious topic. I
must say I’m kind of impressed no one felt the need to lampoon me for voicing a
controversial opinion on an otherwise heavily debated topic amongst certain
groups of people. I guess that means you guys reading these are actually kind
of mature and intelligent enough to listen and think on these opinions rather
than giving knee-jerk reactions… that or the 800 or so views on this blog mean
virtually nothing. Come on, guys. I’m writing these for my own benefit, but
some response would be nice. Some discussion is not only welcome, but
encouraged. If you know me on facebook ( as Silver Waseskuk) then you can message
me there! Or e-mail if you want to!
Is that still not good enough? I’d give out my phone number, but then I’d have
people calling me all hours of the night, so tough. Discussion is one thing,
but I need sleep.
Today, personal news. Been waiting to hear this, haven’t
you. To be fair, I was planning on ranting about the XboxOne, used games, and
the whole shebang. But I was writing, stopped, and waited too long before
finishing the writing and now stuff has come up on the relationship front. It’s
going to be complicated, bizarre, and interesting… but try to stay with me and
we’ll see where this goes.
So, about mid-April, I met a girl online (not one of the
websites mentioned in a previous article in my experimentation to see what
online-sex-sites are like compared to normal social networking/dating sites). A
legitimate site to meet people interested in relationships and whatnot. Yes, I
used one of those sites because I don’t go out much due to shit work schedule
keeping me from staying out late and me general contempt for the bar scene in
general. Judge me if you want, but I’m getting off track from my story here so
shut your face and pay attention.
Ahem. So I met a girl online (no I won’t say which site). We
hit it off a little bit, but things were slow goings for a while. I didn’t
expect to actually meet her at all given the pacing things were going but I
figured I’d keep the conversation going to see where it would lead. More on
that later.
Near the beginning of May, I met another lovely young lady
on the same site. We hit it off as well, but things were going at a much faster
pace (not as fast as I have gone through before, but that’s probably a good
thing considering). In fact, we ended up meeting each other in person with only
a few days of conversating online. And, it seemed/seems like things were/are
leading to something possibly/eventually. We had planned another get together,
a more private affair for the following week. That got cancelled due to work
related stuff on her end. We scheduled another date-type thing shortly after
and, once again, was canceled due to a mix of work related stuff and pre-trip
stuff, again, on her end. So it seemed like she was, perhaps, losing interest
and I was just kind of drifting there wondering what the whole issue was, if
That all said, I was still communicating with the first girl
because nothing had gotten serious with the second and with her lack of
communication, I figured nothing would anyway. During the talks, we managed to,
after a long time of talking, schedule a first meet up for this Friday. I won’t
say what, where, or when because I don’t need stalkers right now. But that’s
not the whole story. Turns out the second girl, who, as I have said before, has
been on a trip out of state for the past week, is up for something the day
after she gets back. The plan is to go out with her on Saturday.
So, to summarize, I’m doing the one thing I said I’d never
do completely unintentionally because I figured I wouldn’t have gotten this far
in the first place. With the first girl, I assumed that it wouldn’t lead
anywhere. With the second, I assumed things were on the verge of not happening
given how long it has been since we actually hung out and how short and rare
conversations seem to be. But this is what I get for assuming. I make an ass
out of me (and apparently someone else, but who, exactly, I don’t know).
That said, it’s not like I’m seeing both seriously at the
same time or even tied to one seriously and cheating. I know it’s going to
sound like a shifty and underhanded defense, but that’s really it. I’ve only
just MET one and will be just MEETING the other. This is mostly to see if the
interest is there with either at this point. At the same time, I still feel
weird about it. But seeing as I’ve already committed to seeing both of them
this weekend, I’m still going to go. Gotta press forward and see where this
One question that will obviously come up is which direction
am I leaning? Which girl do I have more interest in? That’s honestly a tough
choice. The second girl, after meeting her, quickly became my first choice, but
it seems like she has so much on her plate with work, school, projects and so
on (wow that all sounds familiar) that I don’t know if she’d have time for a
relationship. And I don’t want to jump into something with her to find out that
I’m always going to be pushed aside for this stuff. Yes, school is more
important in most regards, but if you’re going to get emotionally involved with
someone, you still have to be able to make time for that person, am I right?
Incidentally, the second girl doesn’t seem to have that same
problem. But while that’s the case and we do have a lot of similar interests, I
don’t feel the same way about her. But that could be bias since I haven’t
actually met her yet. But I’d hate to go with her only because things didn’t
work out with the other girl and end up settling for who I guess you could
argue was originally my second pick. Because if I am to be with someone, I want
it to be with someone I want to be with. Because the person, in question,
deserves to be wanted and not just settled on. So it wouldn’t be fair to her if
that’s how this ended up.
All that said, perhaps meeting her will change my mind.
Perhaps not. We’ll find out tomorrow, I guess. Right now, I just now I’m way
farther behind on editing podcasts and Let’s Plays than I want to be and it is
starting to really ruffle my scrotum (grind my gears, if you will). So I’m off
to do something along those lines. Tata.
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