Sunday, September 7, 2014

Personal Post: A Not 100% Serious Idea to Start a Religion/Church For Money

Yeah. Back with a post here. Since it isn't a review or a discussion that fits with what E-Vac Station was specifically made for and is more personal... yeah. Posting here. 

Monday, July 28, 2014

Future Plans for the Blog

Time to talk about the blog. We’re over a year old (started in late March of 2013… bad times) and we’re not over 200 different posts. The total views for the page have currently reached… over 3000. That’s not a huge amount, but it’s a lot more than I ever expected. Though I’m also speculating that at least 40-60% of those are repeat viewings because I think blogger calculates each view, not each person. Meaning if you come here more than once to view, say, a different post, it’ll count as two views to the site overall.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Movie Review: Lucy... What Has Science Done?

A week out until Guardians of the Galaxy to basically tie up the summer movie drought. It hasn’t been ALL bad though, as this week we got a strange little piece that is worth a quick look I can review pretty quickly. No, it’s not Hercules. I wish that had been more interesting, but I’ve seen almost no promotional material for it and reviews are panning it pretty broadly… safe to say I’m going to be missing that. That leaves us with Lucy, starring the always fun Scarlett Johansson and… a bunch of other people… and Morgan Freeman. 

Monday, July 14, 2014

The Avatar of Tomorrow... TODAY: Predictions, Speculation, Etc

A post drawing connections from the Avatar series to real life and predicting possible ideas for the future of the franchise that touches on religion, technology, history, and that juicy racism. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Movie Review: Dawn of The Planet of the Apes: You'll go Bananas!

First, I’m well aware that I still owe a Legend of Korra-based post (it’s coming). I also know that a review of Rogue Legacy is on the way. That was just delayed because I needed a break from playing it. (It’s good, but frustrating). But a movie review is quick, simply, and only takes 2-hours of commitment and less repeating the same tedious bullshit simply to find a slime-monster and then find it again so I can kill it dead. So here’s my review of Dawn of The Planet of the Apes… with many barrels of monkey puns! 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Game Review: The Wolf Among Us - Among Good Games

A long awaited review of The Wolf Among Us, a game by TellTale, the lovely bunch that brought us The Walking Dead… the good one. With that intro out of the way, let’s discuss the game. 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Supreme Court and the Supremely Divided Decision

Well, ballocks. I was hoping I could avoid anything “controversial” in my posts for the week. Especially with this somehow making it on the blog as my 100th post. I was hoping something fun, entertaining, or celebratory. Review Korra, Rogue Legacy, and maybe do a character digression. But the Supreme Court had to do a thing and people had to get either elated or indignant about the whole faffy mess. So I suppose I’ll throw my hat into the balancing act that is an abortion/birth control discussion (because that’s what this is going to be about).